Prada S09 For her S09 Collection , Miucca Prada used a disheveled styling device to create a sexual frisson. Below is an excerpt from Sarah Mower's review of the show for "There is no one who can turn up the thermostat of subversive sexual provocation quite as high as Mrs(sic)Prada. Her girls, their skin glistening as if on a fevered summer's night, might have been passing through on their way to or from lovers' assignations, their clothes disarranged in various states of falling-off or looking as if they might do so at any moment..... There was something fabulously Italian about all this shameless reveling in femininity. The fifties overtones, with the high chignons, the ruched bras, and swishing rear action in the below-knee pencil skirts, managed to channel the heyday of Cinecittà without cliché. Best of all, this is a collection destined to look even better on a woman with a real body than it does on a teen model. And that, Mrs. Prada surely knows, really...